We look forward to working with you in 2022!

We look forward to working with you in 2022!

We: Anton, Christopher, Mario and all other contributors to the Wind Lounge would like to thank you very much for this crazy year 2021!
Windsurfer's Coffee now available. You read We look forward to sharing 2022 with you! 4 minutes Next We warmly welcome Jibe Wear .

Dear Wind Lounge Community, 

We: Anton, Christopher, Mario and all other contributors to the Wind Lounge would like to thank you very much for this crazy year 2021!

From the very first moment, we knew that Wind Lounge had the potential to do great things. We had hoped that it would be so much fun at the same time, but we didn't expect it. Since everything is new for us, each new step was also associated with great effort and we are now even more pleased that we have made it so far and can be at the start with the Wind Lounge for you. We would like to end the year 2021 with some exciting news and offers: 


Wind Lounge Website completely revised.

Probably the biggest news is the complete overhaul of the Wind Lounge website. In the last few months we have learned what is important and what is important to us. Besides the redesigned look, especially the shopping itself has been improved by a lot. The entire store is now more intuitive, structured, has a more pleasant feel and some new features. The store is one thing, the content is another. In addition to the new store system, we will also focus on producing strong content at Wind Lounge in the future. For this purpose we have created the category "Info". The subcategories Advisor, Windsurf Bundles & Our Brands should become the ultimate place to go for information and inspiration on all windsurfing equipment topics.
The pages are still under construction and will be finished piece by piece and will be available for you. 

We look forward to your feedback on all the new features already released, so feel free to check out the new store!  


Specialty coffee for windsurfers.

Windsurfing Shop Windsurfing Shop Windsurfing Coffee Windsurfing Coffee Contains Coffee Roaster LoopJuice Coffee

Why Windsurf Coffee? Well, because it's awesome! We've teamed up with Contains Coffee Roasters to release a line of windsurf coffee. Contains Coffee Roasters is a small coffee roastery from Munich, Germany that focuses exclusively on specialty coffee. This, by the way, is the awesome shit and not to be compared with standard coffee from the supermarket.  

The boss of the roastery, Mario, is a passionate windsurfer and has been following our machinations for some time. Since he, just like us, would like to be reminded of windsurfing everywhere and at all times, he had the idea to brand his own coffee products with windsurfing. This is how the collaboration with the Wind Lounge and the best quality coffee for our community was born. Important to mention: the coffee is actually specialty coffee and not just a cool gimmick.  

We wish you a good coffee enjoyment and look forward to feedback! And never forget: "The world belongs to the one who enjoys it" - Giacomo Leopardi Giacomo Leopardi (1798 - 1837)


Balance boards for the off-season.

Windsurfing Shop Windsurfing Shop Sensoboard Balanceboard

Long story short: We have new high quality balance boards in the store and most of the important information can be found in Mario's latest YouTube video! Take a look.
The boards are an ideal piece of sports equipment to stay fit over the winter.


Spill Material.

If you are still missing a Christmas gift or you are looking for useful additions to your windsurfing equipment, then feel free to send us an email to willkommen@windlounge.de
We still have a few things in stock, which we sell with a discount. On the test material page in our store there are also still a few products available, but it's getting tight there. So, feel free to contact us, we are looking forward to it!

The entire Wind Lounge team wishes you a relaxing holiday season and looks forward to working with you in 2022.


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